What's New
Punishment and Well-being"
(with Fernanda Rivas).
June 2007.
economía experimental y la economía del comportamiento".
June 2007.
and Games" (with Christiane
Schwieren). March 2007. |

- Since beginning of the year I
am, together with Tim
Cason, editor of the Economic
Science Association journal Experimental
Economics. Send submissions to the
journal editorial office, not directly to me. Here
is the Editors' preface that we have written for the first issue
of 2007 |
- I am, together with Enrique Fatás
(Lineex), Ana Lozano (U. Malaga) and Antonio J. Morales (U Malaga),
one of the organizers of the
Third International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics,
Malaga, March 22th-24th. Call
for Papers.
- I am one of the coorganizers of the First
European Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics
- "It's
What You Say Not What You Pay" (with David Cooper), forthcoming
in the Journal of the European Economic Association.
- "Political
Autonomy and Independence: Theory and Experimental Evidence"
(with Klaus Abbink). October 2006.
and Market Selection of Firms: A Laboratory Study" (with
Ayça Ebru). September 2006.
Recent Publications |
- "Observability
and Overcoming Coordination Failure in Organizations: An Experimental
Study" (with David Cooper) , Experimental Economics,
9, 2006, 407-423.
- "Auctions
for Government Securities: a Laboratory Comparison of Uniform,
Discriminatory and Spanish Designs", (with Klaus
Abbink and Paul Pezanis-Christou),
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 61,
2006, 284-303.
- "A Change Would Do You Good: An Experimental
Study on How to Overcome Coordination Failure in Organizations"
(with David Cooper), American Economic Review, 2006,
96(3), 669-693.
- "I want YOU!: An experiment studying the
selection effect when assigning distributive power" (with Werner
Güth and Andreas Stiehler ), Labour Economics, 13,
2006, 1-17.
- "Fair Procedures. Evidence from Games Involving
Lotteries", (with Gary E. Bolton and Axel Ockenfels), The
Economic Journal , 115, 2005, 1054-1076.
- "Price competition under cost uncertainty:
a laboratory analysis" (with Klaus
Abbink), Economic Inquiry 43(3),
2005, 636-648.
- "Do Labour Market Conditions Affect Gift
Exchange? Some Experimental Evidence", (with Gary
Charness), Economic Journal, 114,
2004, 684-708.
- "How Universal is Behavior? A Four Country
Comparison of Spite, Cooperation and Errors in Voluntary Contribution
Mechanisms", (with Tatsuyoshi
Saijo and Arthur
Schram), Public Choice, 119, 2004,
- "Asymmetric demand information in uniform
and discriminatory call auctions" (with Klaus
Abbink and Tanga
McDaniel). Journal of Regulatory Economics , 23,
March 2003, 125-144.
- "Truth or Consequences: an Experiment",
(with Gary
Charness), Management Science, 49, January 2003,
- "An Exploration of Reputation Formation
in Experimental Games", (with Neus Figueras), Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization, 50, January
2003, 89-115.
- "Reference Points and Negative Reciprocity
in Simple Sequential Games", (with Carles Solà), Games and
Economic Behavior, 36, 2001, 138-157.
- "Cooperation or Noise in Public Goods Experiments:
Applying the Contribution Function Approach", (with A. Schram),
Journal of Public Economics, 79, 2, 2001, 399-427.
- "How Strategy Sensitive Are Contributions?
A Test of Six Hypothesis in a Two-person Dilemma Game", (with
G. Bolton and E. Katok), Economic Theory, 15, 2000,
- "Hot and Cold Decisions and Reciprocity
in Experiments with Sequential Games", (with G. Charness), Experimental
Economics, 2, 3, 2000, 227-238.
- "Measuring Motivations for the Responses
Observed in a Simple Dilemma Games", ( with G. Bolton and A. Ockenfels),
Experimental Economics, 1, 3, 1998, 207-219.
publications |
- "24",
(with Klaus
Abbink), July 2006. Forthcoming in Games and Economic
- "Competition
with Forward Contracts: A Laboratory Analysis Motivated by Electricity
Market Design" (with Paul Pezanis-Christou
and Arthur
Schram). Forthcoming in Economic Journal. Click
here to download the appendices.
- "Entry
deterrence and forward induction: An experiment" (with
Antonio Cabrales
and Gary
Charness), July 2006, forthcoming in Economic Theory.
A previous and more extensive working paper version is available
- "Collusion
and Fights in an Experiment with Price-Setting Firms and Production
in Advance" (with Pablo
Guillen), July 2004. Forthcoming in the Journal of Industrial
- "Collusion
in Growing and Shrinking Markets: Empirical Evidence from Experimental
Duopolies" (with Klaus Abbink), February 2005. Forthcoming
in Experiments for Antitrust Policies, (Hinloopen / Normann,
eds.), Cambridge University Press.
- "Cooperation
in VCM Experiments: Results using the Contribution Function Approach"
(with Arthur
Schram) forthcoming in C.R. Plott and V.L.
Smith (eds.), The Handbook of Experimental Economic Results,
Elsevier, Amsterdam. (August 2002).
- "Testing
Theories of Other-regarding Behavior: A Sequence of Four Lab Studies"
(with Gary E. Bolton, Elena Katok, Axel
Ockenfels and Rami
Zwick)., forthcoming in C.R. Plott and V.L.
Smith (eds.), The Handbook of Experimental Economic Results,
Elsevier, Amsterdam. (revised version August 2002).
Work in progress |
- "Personal
Relations and their Effect on Behavior in an Organizational Setting:
An Experimental Study" (with C. Solà), December
- "Relative
position, prices of sacrifice and reciprocity: An experimental
study using individual decisions" (with E. Fatás
and F. Lagos), revised version November 2006.
- "Leadership
and Overcoming Coordination Failure with Asymmetric Costs"
(with David
Cooper and Enrique Fatás), May 2006.
- "On
Competition and Well-Being " (with Arno Riedl and Frans
van Winden), revised version May 2006.
- "Social
information and social influence in an experimental dilemma game"
(with Enrique Fatás), July 2001.
- "Naive
Bayesian Learning and Adjustement to Equilibrium in Signalling
Games" (with Charles
A. Holt)
Non-technical articles |
- " Experimentos
con la economía", Cinco
Días, October ,11th 2002. |
Teaching |
- Behavioral
economics (IDEA
Conference Organization |
- International
Meeting on Behavioral and Experimental Economics. See the
picture of the 2004 IMEBE, that was held in Cordona in December
Miscellaneous links |